Sunday, December 31, 2023


 he Mirai virus was a malicious piece of software that was first discovered in 2016. It was designed to target Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as routers, smart cameras, and smart thermostats, and was able to compromise these devices by exploiting vulnerabilities in their software. Once it had infected a device, Mirai would use it to participate in distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.

The damage caused by Mirai was significant. For instance, Mirai’s first large-scale attack was in September 2016 against a French technology company, OVH. Mirai’s attack peaked at an unprecedented 1Tbps and is estimated to have used about 145,000 devices within the assault. (source:

Mirai virus is an example of one of the cybersecurity laws-"With Innovation Comes Opportunity For Exploitation" that Nick Espionosa talks about in his TED talk-"The five laws of cybersecurity".

One thing that stood out to me in this TED Talk was the idea that there is a lack of a shared understanding of cybersecurity within internet culture. Nick argues that with over 3.6 billion people online and communicating with each other and institutions every day, there is a common language that we all share through networking protocols and social media platforms. However, the topic of cybersecurity is not as widely understood as it should be. In his TED Talk, Nick tries to bridge this gap by introducing his five laws. This talk highlights the importance of increasing awareness and education about cybersecurity in order to better protect ourselves and our communities online.

Do catch the summary of these laws in my sketchnote and watch the TED talk (~7 min)- hashtagcyberawareness hashtagcybersecurity

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