Sunday, October 31, 2021



Over the period of lifetime, Thomas Edison built a rich legacy in the field of business and as one of the most productive inventors. While his inventions are talked-about till date, the methods that led him to success aren't talked about as much.

Edison was also one of the most prolific note-takers in the history. He is said to be responsible for ~5 million pages of notes, the archives of which are at the Thomas Edison National Historical Park. He developed a pattern which made sure that all useful or important information would end up written down. He called his notes memory assistants.

Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin group, also calls note taking as one of his most important habits. He says "I go through a dozens of notebooks every year and write down everything that occurs to me each day, an idea not written down is an idea lost. When inspiration calls, you have got to capture it."

It is evident that when we talk about high performance, it is not an all encompassing term but it is really made up of smaller but important skills like note-taking.

What are the other non-obvious skills for high performance ?

If you are interested in exploring this topic, you would love the thoughts shared by Greg Isenberg in this amazing twitter thread Beyond note-taking, Greg calls out habits such as:

- Ability to manage feedback.
- Writing well.
- Lifting other people up.
- (Counter intuitively) Not being hyper-productive everyday.
- Smiling/laughing often.
- Being allergic to excuses.
- Not being afraid to ask questions.
- Being on time.
(and a few more)
You can find summary of key points in my sketchnote here

It is often said that "Genius obscures hard work". The greatest in the world have a set of routines that they practise, that allows them to deliver peak performance. It is those little, simple things that one needs to perfect and rigorously keep doing even when nobody's watching.

What else would you add to this list ? #highperformance #skills

My Sketchnote:

My LinkedIn Post:

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