Having experienced the
management role for quite some time, I believe it was important to write about
the trends that are impacting the profession. The purpose of this blog, however,
is not to justify which situation i.e. with manager or without manager is
right or wrong. More than passing judgment, I would rather try and paint a
picture as it appears in my mind and give ample space to your comments to chart
the future course.
I got to write the
upcoming text as a proposal for the presentation in the upcoming
Grace Hopper’s conference. I would be happy if it does get selected for
presentation as I do have a relevant perspective to share but if it doesn’t for
some reason, honoring my passion around the subject, I would continue to expand on this by the medium of this and other
blogs. Please read on and do share your comments-
For those of us who have worked
in organizations for years would appreciate that when we think of work, we are
often loaded with some peculiar assumptions-as these examples state-
Work is a place where employees need to
often commute every day to conduct business.
There will be a dedicated, fixed seat
where we conduct various aspects of our duties.
An employee will be a part of
well-defined hierarchy in the organization.
An employee will report her work to a
role called as Manager.
My manager will not only oversee the
work but also be responsible for employee’s well-being in the organization
while taking care of responsibilities like work evaluation, salary hike,
promotions etc.
…and many more
These aspects and many
more like these have been so ingrained in our minds that we rarely question
their relevance in today's world.
However, we do have some
outliers who are challenging these oft-believed notions. As an example- Citrix
Inc. armed with its state-of-the-art technologies and a compelling vision is
challenging the notion that "Work is a place". On the contrary, its
solutions help promote the premise that "Work isn't a place. It's a thing you do." And you do work where you find inspiration and
office is just one of many places where you may find inspiration.
In the sphere of
management, there is an interesting idea taking shape these days. I think it
will be too early to call it a trend yet but it still holds a great deal of
promise to catch the attention of the bigwigs from our industry. This idea even
has a name and it is called as Holacracy. As Wikipedia defines it-
Holacracy is a social
technology or system of organizational governance in which authority and
decision-making are distributed throughout a holarchy of self-organizing teams
rather than being vested in a management hierarchy.
Zappos, the online shoe and clothing retail subsidiary of Amazon.com,
was in the news recently for fully embracing Holacracy and formally
doing away with the manager role in the hierarchy with a strong emphasis on
the principles of self-management.
Does it mean that we are
staring at a future where managers won't be needed at all?
Before I further comment
on this, I wanted to share some of the key events that I have seen happen in
the last about 5 years or so- which have had a direct or indirect impact on the
way management is done and is perceived by practitioners.
Employees First Customers Second Management Philosophy:

We create value in one
very specific place: the interface between our HCL employees and our customers.
We call this the “value zone.” Every employee who works in the value zone is
capable of creating more or less value. The whole intent of Employees First is
to do everything we can to enable those employees to create the most possible
The greatest value in a
knowledge based organization is brought about by the employees who work on the
stuff that directly impacts the customers. It is vital for the organizations to
have clarity on where the core value zone lies. In EFCS approach, the
traditional hierarchy that is followed in the organizations where an employee
is accountable to her manager isn’t considered as effective in today’s
knowledge based organizations. In other words, management is as
accountable to the people in the value zone as the people in the value zone are
to management.
Second event that is
worth noting is the organizational shift towards delayering and the
organizations adopting Hourglass structures. Delayering, simply put
is, the action or process of reducing the number of levels in the
hierarchy of employees in an organization. Hourglass organizational structures,
well, look like hourglass rather than traditional pyramid type structures. What
it means is that the structure will be heavy at top, heavy at bottom and very
lean at the middle. Organizations like Wipro, which traditionally has had hundreds of
thousands of employees are mulling to embrace hourglass like structure, which
would eventually mean that the traditional managerial type function- which
mostly "ensured" that work gets done rather than "doing"
work will likely be delayered.
Renewed Performance Management:
The third event, which
is again gaining momentum in the first half of current decade is the revamp of
performance management. Most recently, Accenture abolished its decades old rankings and the
once-a-year employee evaluation process and has begun the process of replacing
it with more meaningful and periodic evaluation system. Incidentally, Accenture
is not the first organization to do so as companies like Adobe, Microsoft,
Juniper have already replaced the older systems.
The fourth event, is a
technological wave- smartly encapsulated in this acronym- SMAC. The advent of Social, Mobility, Analytics and Cloud technologies
are redefining the jobs and roles as we have traditionally known. As a simple
example, the messaging service- WhatsApp's android application recently reached
1 billion downloads. As much as this number is baffling, it is more baffling to
know that this app was built by the team of just four people. The future of workplace hovers around
extremely lean organizations.
Millennial revolution and the Open-source movement:
Though not necessarily in last 5 years or so but there are couple of
more events that are indirectly impacting the management profession. One is the
trend around rise of millennial employees. By definition these represents the
young workforce typically born between 1980 and 2000. This population, which
will be more than 50% of the workforce in few years according to some statistics,
is bringing about a change in organizations. General characteristics of these folks
is that they value transparency, freedom, accountability, responsibility but
hate micro-management and stay away from politics of any kind. They naturally don’t
appreciate traditional hierarchical structures, which indirectly influences the
role manager should play in organizations dominated by millennial. Second,
not-so-recent trend is around that of Open Source movement. The grand success
of the projects such as Wikipedia and Linux- both of which were built by
self-managed groups of hundreds of thousands of users really gives weight to
the fact that it is no longer mandatory to have a traditional hierarchy to
build world-class products.
Looking back, If EFCS brought the focus back to the value creating
employees, the delayering phenomenon ensured that unnecessary management layers
were optimized. If disbanding the age-old performance management systems
realigned the role of a manager, the technology wave of SMAC, while ensuring
leaner organizations took the focus away from the traditional managerial roles.
At the same time, workforce dominated by millennial population is slowly but
surely changing the rules of management while bringing to the fore
self-management principles of the open source movement.
These trends and the
resultant impact on the management profession makes us see the need behind
Holacracy more clearly. To get it right, Holacracy doesn't mean
throwing hierarchy out of the organization and taking decisions only via
consensus. Holacracy is also dependent on structures, processes and
practices. The typical tasks of management doesn't necessarily go away but
they become more distributed, more decentralized.
I will probably just stop here and ask- What is your take on this topic ? Will the traditional manager role cease to exist in the organization of tomorrow ?
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