Thursday, December 23, 2021



Bob Iger in his book "The Ride of a Lifetime" rates the ability to compartmentalize the day as one of the highest leverage skills for a CEO, who has to switch context and deal with problems of different scale every hour.

Alternatively, consider the daily schedule of famed novelist Haruki Murakami. When he’s working on a novel, he starts his days at 4 am and writes for five or six continuous hours.

One may consider Iger as a Manager and Murakami as a Maker & their cases highlight a point-

"different types of work require different types of schedules"

Paul Graham in his timeless essay talks about the concept of Maker schedule and Manager schedule. An idea further expanded by Shane Parrish in his work (Catch the summary in my sketchnote)

A manager’s day is sliced up into tiny slots, each with a specific purpose like meetings, calls, emails.
A maker’s schedule is different. It is made up of long blocks of time reserved for focusing on particular tasks, or the entire day might be devoted to one activity.

As Shane says, Awareness is the key. We need to be aware of which schedule the people around us are on so we can be considerate and let them get their best work done.

What is your preferred schedule and what strategy do you follow to be in the schedule you value the most ?


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