Monday, April 22, 2019

How often did Aaron Levie 'Show-up' before succeeding ?

Earlier today, I was reading the book- You Only Have To Be Right Once: The Unprecedented Rise of the Instant Tech Billionaires.
I randomly stumbled upon the story of Aaron Levie, CEO of Box, the enterprise cloud company.

What caught my attention while reading Aaron's story was the below paragraph:

"His high school classmates were more enraptured. While he obsessed over the business models underpinning this new thing calledthe Internet, his buddy Jeff Queisser, who lived four houses down would haul over his twenty-pound Dell tower and CRT monitor forall-night coding sleepovers. Some fifteen startups ensued. There was an Internet kiosk for hotels and malls, a Web portal for real estate, and "Zizap." which Levie described as a "really slow, pay-to-play search engine."
They all failed, though Levie considers that word too binary: "Failure? I wouldn't put it that way. They didn't take off, sure, but I got something out of every one.""
In summary, Aaron indulged himself in some 15 start-ups, all of them didn't take off before coming up with Box. You read that number right, 15!

I found this reading timely as it was yesterday that I blogged about Innovators show up more often than everyone else. I drove the blog with my story, but Aaron's story really validates that:

1. Success in any endeavor is not an overnight phenomenon.

2. It requires trying the hell out of all the available options.
3. It requires being curious, and not being limited in thinking.
4. It requires being courageous, being unafraid of failure, rather wearing failure as a badge of honour.

Images source:,204,203,200_.jpg

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