Wednesday, March 27, 2019

17 Perspectives that I Learned from Michael Phelps

In January, I had the privilege of listening live to Michael Phelps, an Olympics legend (23 Olympic Gold medals, 28 medals overall) at Citrix Summit in Orlando.hashtaCitrixSummit. Thank you
hashtag Sharing some nuggets of wisdom he shared during an inspirational panel talk: On Goal setting: 1. Broken down goals to 100th of a second. 2. I wasn't afraid to dream as big as I could. 3. You don't know what you can do unless you dream and do On importance of practice: 4. Practice is what you control. 5. I made sure I was over prepared. 6. If I prepare one more day a week, I get 52 more days a year than anyone else. On raising the bar higher consistently: 7. Stay at top is harder than reaching top. 8. Help each other become better. I couldn't have done what I did all by myself. 9. Attitude: If I fall short, I will come back stranger. 10. Learn from losses. On focus: 11. When I stand up on block, I can't see anyone. Just focus on next step. 12. Music helped me focus. 13. See the goals every day. Post them somewhere to see them everyday. On mental health: 14. I struggle with anxiety but that helps me be me. I love my journey. It's challenging. 15. It's ok to not be ok. 16. Showing vulnerability is fine. Open up. 17. Want to teach kids importance of water safety. hashtagashtag

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